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How to connect your online forms with a DenGro capture hook
How to connect your online forms with a DenGro capture hook
Michael Doe avatar
Written by Michael Doe
Updated over a year ago

What are Capture Hooks?

Capture hooks are a simple, safe and secure way to send form data captured on your website or landing page to DenGro. When a visitor fills out and submits a form, the data submitted will be sent, via the capture hook to your DenGro account.

Why use them?

Capture hooks (or Inbound webhooks) are a great option if your website or landing pages already have forms in place that you are happy with and don’t want to replace.

Who can use them?

Your website forms or landing page builder must be able to support webhook integrations. Theoretically, any form builder or landing page builder that supports webhooks can be integrated with DenGro.

Creating a capture hook

1) You will need an integrator or manager role in your DenGro account to create a capture hook. Click Settings (cog) in the menu bar and select Practice Integrations in the dropdown. Once on the page, scroll down to find the Capture Hooks section.

2) To create a capture hook, you will firstly need to give it a relevant name such as ‘Invisalign Lead Form’ or ‘ Contact Us’ form and then choose if you want to capture leads, enquiries or referrals via the hook.

Capture Hooks icon DenGro
create capture hook in DenGro

What’s the difference between a lead and an enquiry?

To qualify as a lead in DenGro, you must be capturing the treatment they are interested in. If you don’t capture the treatment on the form, then these submissions will be treated as an enquiry and you will need to set up an enquiry hook.

Please note when setting up a Lead hook the treatment they are interested in is a 1-1 mapping ie one lead must map to one treatment. Your form must allow only one treatment option to be selected, via a dropdown/radio button etc.

3) Your hook is now created and you can confirm the ‘Affiliate’. This will nearly always be ‘Practice’, unless you have an affiliate code, supplied by DenGro. If you do, the name of your affiliate will will appear in the list, for you to select.

4) You will now see the URL of your capture hook which you can add into the relevant place on your website form builder. Please note this URL only accepts POST requests.

Capture Hook URL DenGro

5) Once the hook has been added into your form you can submit a test lead from the form. If the hook is working correctly you will see a ‘Request’ appearing on the relevant Capture Hook page, which will show the data that has been captured

Capture hook request DenGro

You can also use the ‘History’ button on the main Capture Hook page (the circular arrow) to see the details of the data that has been sent through and the ‘status’ of the hook.

Capture history in DenGro

The status of the hook will show as ‘Pending’ until the fields of data have been mapped in. This is detailed in the step below.

How do I map the fields?

Once your hook is in place and submitting data to DenGro the last steps is you to map the fields in from your form to DenGro so we understand what is being sent to us.

As you scroll down below the request you have sent you will be able to see the list of map fields available.

To map it in select the field and map it into the data sent ie the First Name field on your form you would map it to first_name in DenGro, similarly if you have a field called Email Address you would map this to an email.

You can also capture attribution data in your capture hooks, fields such (as) utm_source, utm_medium, utm_content, utm_term and utm_campaign as well as others can be mapped to DenGro so you can see where your leads and enquiries are coming from.

Capture hook map fields in DenGro
capture hook map fields in DenGro

Once you have mapped the fields in you can either then send another test submission from the form the hook is in place on OR use the ‘Replay’ button which will appear in the ‘History’ page to run the test again.

Once you see the status as ‘Complete’ in the History page you will then know that a contact has been created in DenGro.

Capture history in DenGro

Please note, it’s important to check your capture hook is still working periodically. We recommend checking it EVERY time you make any changes to your website or make any updates to plug-ins.

If you have any questions on your hooks please get in touch with our practice support team via the pink icon in the bottom right hand corner of the DenGro app.

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