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The Leads Page - Redesigned for 2025!
The Leads Page - Redesigned for 2025!

The Leads page has had a power up for 2025, get to know your lead data in a whole new way!

Louise Buscombe avatar
Written by Louise Buscombe
Updated over 2 months ago

Why has it been changed?

Being able to understand your lead data, however you want it, is more important than ever.
Our redesigned leads page is incredibly powerful and will now give you an indepth understanding of your leads in one view. It's lightening fast (we can return thousands of leads in seconds), customisable so you can make the view work for you and doesn't require you to have to export as a CSV (unless you want to of course).

With thousands of users we want to ensure you can cut your lead data as you want. Whether that be a light touch or if you want to go very granular, the leads list can give you what you need.

How do I find it and what can it do?

Customisable View:

The leads page can be found under the Contacts tab in the menu bar. It works like a giant spreadsheet with default columns that can be customised and filtered to suit each user. The best way to familiarise yourself with all these features is to play with it, you can't break it and if you need to reset to start again just refresh the page or press the 'Clear Filters' button.

Any columns can be dragged and reordered as you wish along with expanding the column so you can see all lead data as well as being able to scroll along to see every default column.

Removing/Adding Columns

With so much lead data available you may want to remove/add columns to make the view work for you.

To remove columns hover on the three lines on one of the columns, then click the dial pad icon in the pop up that appears

Now untick any of the columns you don't want included in your view. The list will then narrow to only include the ticked columns. You can add them back in by ticking them once again.

Pinning and Unpinning Columns

Pinned columns are ideal if you want to keep important information visible as you scroll. Pinned columns will appear by default on the left hand side and will be 'Received At' 'First Name' and 'Last Name', however if you want to change these then click the three lines on the column you want to pin/unpin and choose to pin to the left or the right.

A pinned column will then have the pin icon next to the column name so you can easily identify them.

Pagination & Page Size

If your practice has a lot of leads the lead list will paginate so you may need to click through to see the next page of lead data. You can also change the number of leads that appear per page via the page size dropdown at the bottom of the list.

Filtering your lead data

By default all your leads will show, but by using your filters you can drill down further, for example you might want to filter:

> by lead name

> by treatment

> by treatment value

> by journey stage (New, consultation booked)

> by journey status (active or paused)

> where they came from

You will see on the Right Hand side the Leads list filters. As you open these filters you can tick/untick options for example on your Treatments. Or you can use a filter such as on'First Name' and use the 'Contains' option to find all your leads called 'David'.

Add as many filters as you would like and you will see the lead list reload with the matching leads that applicable. You can see which of your filters have been applied with the blue filter icon , shown below.

Sorting and filtering on the columns

There is also additional filtering on the individual columns. By pressing the three lines on the column it will give you some additional options that will allow you to remove or add columns as well as applying filters.

The filters on the column or on the Right Hand side of the lead list contain a search option to find the filter you need.

Once you have filtered your results you may want to sort them by alphabetical order, or by lowest to highest on the treatment value. Not every column is sortable (for example phone numbers), however to check just click on the column and the arrow will appear up or down depending on how you want them sorted, ie A-Z or Z-A.

This is where the speed of the leads list really comes into its own as it will be able to sort and return your results in seconds.

Looking at your Lead List

Once your leads are filtered and sorted as you wish you will likely want to review the results.

You now have Click through ability so you can click through to each lead profile as it will be hyperlinked - just click the first or last name and be taken directly to it.

You will also see the number of treatment enquiries that lead has. Remember one lead can have many treatment enquiries at one time!
The 'Collapse Treatment Enquiries' button will give you a more streamlined view depending on if you want to see this information.

You can also now see the time to first contact per lead, which is a new metric!

I’m ready to download.

The final step you may want to take for even more analysis is to download this data as a CSV file. Press the Download Leads button to export this filtered lead data out along with additional data such as contact attempts and more tracking information.

DenGro will then show you a pop-up asking you to confirm that you understand you’re downloading personal identifying information, before showing you the final Export button.

Confirm your happy to export lead data from DenGro

Can I customise what data I download?

Yes! You can tell DenGro which data you want to download for the leads that you’ve filtered. Simply click on the Customise Export button on the pop-up screen after clicking the first Export button.

All available data will be pre-selected by default, but you can choose to deselect ALL boxes and then re-select any relevant data headings.

Once you’re done, just click Export to download the data.

Customising the lead data you can export from DenGro

Where does the download go?

The export will be downloaded to the Downloads Folder on your computer or laptop – this may also be recorded on your web browser. If you’re using Chrome, you’ll find the Downloads page by clicking on the three vertical dots at the top right of the window.

What’s a CSV?

A CSV is a type of spreadsheet and is the most common file used by email deployment services when importing contacts to send messages to. You can choose to save the .CSV as an Excel file if required.

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