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What are the nurture messages you send to leads?
What are the nurture messages you send to leads?

See in a nutshell how these messages will save you time and give you a seamless patient journey

Michael Doe avatar
Written by Michael Doe
Updated over 12 months ago

What are the automated messages that can be sent to my leads?

Responding to your leads and nurturing them into treatment with the help of emails and SMS should be a key part of your marketing and lead management strategy, but we know that creating the content, designing fancy emails, and setting up text message deployment services can be a headache – so, we’ve done it for you!

DenGro has a number of pre-written and designed messaging journeys that can be sent out automatically to your leads, to help support the work of your front-of-house team in calling and following up with leads. The messages have all been tested and are monitored to keep an eye on their effectiveness, so you don’t even need to lift a pencil.

The messages vary depending on what treatment the lead has enquired about and where they are in their decision-making journey.

Do I need to push a button to send each message?

No, that’s the great thing – each message is sent automatically based on how a lead’s profile is updated in the account or certain actions that a user takes with a lead’s profile.

a. A New Lead is added to the account.

When a lead is received into a DenGro account from an online form, that lead can be put into a messaging journey automatically, depending on the practice preferences set on the Details page.

When a lead is added manually into an account, using the +Add button, the user adding the lead has the ability to switch OFF any available messages.

b. When a lead’s status is changed.

When a user changes a lead’s status – from NEW to APPOINTMENT BOOKED for example – the user has the ability to switch OFF any messages in the journey at that status point, that they don’t want the lead to receive.

If messages at a certain status point have been switched OFF across the practice on the

Details page, then no changes can be made through the task.

c. DenGro’s pre-set deployment schedule.

The pre-set deployment schedule, specific to that journey, will determine when each message in the journey is sent to the lead.

How does DenGro know which sequence of messages to send?

There are lots of different journeys in DenGro that can be sent to a lead, depending on different factors and variables.

a. Treatment

Each lead that enters DenGro must have a treatment assigned to them. This treatment will then determine which messaging journey the lead is sent.

DenGro supports over 190 dental and aesthetic treatments and each treatment has a messaging journey assigned to it, which can reference the treatment and promote the unique selling points of that treatment.

b. Lead status

Where a lead is in their decision-making journey will impact which messages in that treatment’s journey, a lead will receive.

A different set of messages can be sent at each status point in the lead’s journey, to ensure that they receive messaging and support that’s relevant to what they’re experiencing in the practice, at that point in time.

For example, when a lead is brand NEW, they can receive a sequence that’s more information with a call to action to book in for the initial consultation or appointment.

Then, once they’ve attended, they can receive details about finance options and a call to action to call the practice with questions or if they’re ready to take the next step.

c. Journey and message status

If you are on our Pro Plan you will have access to our Editable Automation feature. This will allow to you to customise our own bespoke treatment journey.

If you don’t have access to our Editable Automations feature, you can still choose to switch off messages at each status point in the journey. Any Manager user in the account can set the practice preferences by going to Settings (the cog symbol at the top right of the Today page) and selecting Details. Scroll down to the section titled Lead Automation Preferences and toggle OFF the status point(s) that you don’t want messages to be sent out at.

d. Groups

If your practice is part of a Group or Network of practices, you may also have access to a Group journey.

A Group can create a journey which can be sent to leads who have been generated specifically by the Group’s marketing activity or through the Group’s websites/landing pages. The journey will still be treatment-specific, but can be designed to match the Group’s marketing message and Group’s branding.

The Group journeys are triggered by a Campaign or Group ID on the webforms that the lead submits their details through.

Group messages can only be edited by Group users and can not be changed or amended by Editor users in the practice account. Please contact your Group administrator to discuss.

e. Overrides

DenGro’s journey assignment logic can also impact on the journey and messages that a lead receives.

This logic looks at all the factors listed above and determines, based on their pre-set priority, which messaging journey a lead should receive. For example, if you receive a lead for Invisalign but you don’t have a messaging journey assigned to Invisalign treatment, then DenGro will look to the parent tier of that treatment – Orthodontics.

If there is no messaging journey for Orthodontics, then DenGro will fall back to the Default Dental journey.

Can I edit these messages?

Only on our Pro Plan. On the Growth Plan the messages available to you are pre-set and the copy/text within the messages can’t be edited or changed. We’ve put a lot of work into crafting messages that find the right balance of engagement and information, we’re proud of our open rates.

You can (we recommend this) personalise the messages to your practice so that they’re branded to you and your business, see how to below.

If you are on, or upgrade to, our Pro Plan you can access ‘editable automations’, this feature allows you customise and edit the automated messaging sequences sent to your leads from DenGro.

How do I personalise the messages?

The emails and SMS can be personalised by keeping your Practice Details page up to date with the practice contact information, location details, social media links, opening hours, and a custom practice signature. You can also upload your practice logo for display in the email and add a notification banner to the top of the emails for alerts and announcements.

Any Manager level user on the account can update the Details page. Simply go to Settings (the cog symbol at the top right of the DenGro screen) and select Details. Here, you can set your practice information and any settings that you’d like to apply across the practice account.

DenGro Practice Details Page

Can I switch off the messages?

Yes, if you decide you don’t want to send some of the DenGro messages, you can choose to switch them off at certain status points – you can either do this as a global practice setting or on a lead-by-lead basis.

On the Details page you set a global practice setting and switch off the messages due to be sent at each status point – simply toggle status point OFF using the toggle buttons available.

Switch DenGro's automated messages off on across each status in the journey

If you’d like to switch off each individual message within a sequence, on a lead-by-lead basis, then you can make this decision when either adding a lead into DenGro manually, or changing their status through a DenGro task.

Switch off DenGro's automated messages on a lead by lead basis

What about GDPR?

Definitely everyone’s favourite topic. You can read all about DenGro’s role as a processor of your practice’s data here. The most important thing to remember, is that you’re in control of your data and can, therefore, control the messages that DenGro sends out. On the Practice Details page, you can record your practice’s decision about GDPR and consent to be contacted.

If you record that you require Legitimate Interest to contact a lead, then DenGro will continue to send the SMS and emails to leads, no matter whether consent has been captured through an online form.

If you record that you require Consent, then DenGro will only send the email and SMS messages to leads if for whom you have captured explicit consent to contact.

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