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All CollectionsGlossary of Reporting Metrics & Definitions
Glossary of reporting definitions, reporting metrics and filters
Glossary of reporting definitions, reporting metrics and filters
Louise Buscombe avatar
Written by Louise Buscombe
Updated over a week ago

Active Leads – enquiries for treatments that are still open, the lead has not yet decided whether to proceed or not.

Ad Name - the name of your ad, we would recommend applying a naming convention here for ease of identification and distinction from other ads you’re running.

Affiliate – indicates that the lead(s) have been generated by a particular (marketing) agency that is running specific landing pages/forms for you, the agency will have tagged those forms so that leads submitted through the forms are identified as generated by that particular agency.

Affiliate code –DenGro will create this code to help you identify which leads the affiliate has generated for your practice.

Appointments booked – based on the date when a lead’s status is changed from new to consultation booked, it shows how many have been booked by the user in the date range selected.

Appointments booked in period – how many consultations were booked into the system in the time period selected (n.b., this refers to the action of booking not the dates of when the consultation is to take place).

Attended - no. of leads that have attended their consultation.

Attended rate - % of consultations booked that have been marked as attended.

Average Time to First Contact Attempt – Based on your practice’s opening hours this details the average amount of hours between treatment enquiries being received and the practice user attempting to contact the lead. (Practice opening hours can be edited under “Details”).

Average Treatment Value – this is based on the prices saved in the practice settings and is simply the total confirmed revenue divided by the total number of converted leads.

Booked – no. of leads that have booked in for a consultation.

Campaign name – the name of your marketing campaign, we would recommend applying a naming convention here for ease of identification and distinction from other campaigns you’re running.

Confirmed Revenue – how much revenue has been made from leads that have started treatment(s).

Consultations attended – the number of consultations attended for the practitioner.

Consultations Booked – the number of consultations booked for the practitioner.

Contact Attempted – the user has attempted to contact the lead at least once.

Contacted – no. of new leads where contact (electronic, verbal etc.) has been established.

Conversion rates:

> Received to attended - % of leads received that attended a consultation.

> Received to booked - % of leads received that booked in for a consultation.

> Received to started - % of leads received that started treatment.

Direct – visitors to your site that entered your practice URL into their browser or we have been unable to determine how the lead came in.

Email – when a lead responds to email marketing campaign.

Expected Value – this is the proportion of the total value of your sales pipeline that is estimated to become confirmed revenue based on your conversion rate performance to date.

Failed to Attend - no. of leads that did not show up for their consultation.

Forgotten – any leads that have been deleted for example, test leads, duplicate leads, spam leads or the person has asked for their details to be removed.

Leads Are No Longer Interested – how many leads opted not to proceed with their treatment enquiry in the time period selected.

Leads Have Appointments Booked - how many leads have at least one booked appointment made for them in the time period selected, this is the action of booking the appointment not the date of the appointment itself.

Leads Managed – number of leads for whom tasks were completed by the user in the date range selected.

Leads Received – this number represents the number of treatment enquiries added to your DenGro practice account in the time period selected.

Leads Started Treatment – how many treatment enquiries have resulted in the patient starting treatment in the time period selected.

Leads Successfully Contacted – how many leads were successfully contacted in the time period selected.

Missed Revenue Opportunity – this is the total value of treatment enquiries received where the lead opted not to proceed. Understanding more about the reasons for not proceeding might enable practice’s to reduce this ‘loss’ in the future.

New – no. of new leads that have not been successfully contacted yet.

Number of Treatment Enquiries – total number of treatment enquiries received in the time period selected. Please note that this may exceed the number of leads; leads could have more than one open/active treatment enquiry.

Online chat – number of site visitors that contact and provide you with their contact details via chat.

Organic Search – visits to your practice site that came from search engines

Paid Search – visits to your practice site from visitors who clicked on your search ad, e.g. in Google or Bing.

Paid Social - visits to your practice site from visitors who clicked on your ad posted on a social media platform, e.g. Facebook, Instagram or X/Twitter or visited a landing page.

Practitioner conversion rate – for each practitioner added in DenGro, this is the % of consultations attended that resulted in treatment starting (conversions).

Referred by a friend – where a partner or existing customer directs people to your site from theirs.

Referred from another website - visits to your practice site from visitors who clicked a link on a site that took them to your site.

Revenue Opportunity – how much revenue could be gained from converting leads that are interested but have not yet started treatment.

Social - referral domain is a social network.

Source of Treatment enquiry - the specific webpage that sent traffic to your website.

Started Treatment in period - how many treatment enquiries have resulted in the patients starting treatment in the time period selected.

Tasks Completed – number of tasks completed by the user in the date range selected.

Tasks Completed on day created – % of tasks completed on the same day as they were due to be completed.

Total Confirmed Revenue – the total value to the practice of all the treatments started in the time period selected.

Total Converted Leads – the total number of leads that have started at least one treatment.

Treatments converted – number of treatments started by the practitioner.

Unavailable – this is shown when the attribution for a lead enquiry is not recorded and/or not passed into DenGro. In other words, it is not possible to see how they came to your website


Action date – this is essentially recording when an activity has been recorded for a lead; enquiry received, booked in for a consultation, marked as attended, marked as started treatment.

Active - leads that are currently being nurtured; they can be new (contacted or not) or booked in for a consultation or have attended one or more consultations but have not yet decided whether to start treatment or not.

Attribution channel – which channel the leads are attributed to/came from (e.g. paid search, organic).

Current Journey Stage – new, booked, attended, failed to attend, started treatment, consultation started.

Inactive – where leads have decided not to proceed with treatment.

Journey Status – inactive or active or both, see above

Lead received date – date the lead was automatically pulled into DenGro (i.e. when they registered their interest in a treatment you offered e.g. by filling in and submitting an enquiry form).

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