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How do I log into DenGro?
How do I log into DenGro?
Michael Doe avatar
Written by Michael Doe
Updated over a week ago

How do I log in?

To log in to DenGro, please visit this page:

I’ve forgotten my password!

Life is filled with passwords nowadays and remembering each of them can be difficult! If you do forget your DenGro password you can request a new one from the DenGro login screen by clicking Forgot Your Password or you can click on this link:

When you request a new password, you’ll receive an email from DenGro to the email address that you use to login to DenGro. Click on the link in this email to create a new password and login.

You can also use our Magic Link option where you can request a link is sent to the inbox your username is associated with which will allow you to log in directly.

I don’t have a password to log in to DenGro with, how can I access the account?

To access your business’s DenGro account, you’ll need to be invited as a user by a Manager of the account.

When you’re invited as a user, you’ll receive an email from DenGro to the email address that you’ve been invited with. Click on the link in this email and you’ll be taken to a DenGro page where you can set your password and access the account.

How many users can I have?

You can have as many users on your DenGro account as you like, each user will just need their own email address to log in with.

How do I invite a new user?

To invite a new user to your DenGro account, you need to have Manager level access to the account. If you have this permission level, you’ll see a cog symbol at the top right of your DenGro screen when logged in – this is the Practice Settings area of the account.

Simply go to Practice Settings and select Practice Users from the menu. When the page refreshes, click on the +Add Practice Users button and follow the prompts from DenGro to enter the required information (the mobile number is not a required field.)

Practice user title DenGro

How do I remove a user?

You will need to have Manager level access to the account. If you have this permission level, you’ll see a cog symbol at the top right of your DenGro screen when logged in – this is the Practice Settings area of the account.

Simply go to Practice Settings and select Practice Users from the menu. Scroll through your users to find the relevant staff member, click on the bin icon to remove their access.

When you remove access, that person’s activities and any leads associated with them will be unaffected and will still be there. Their name will continue to appear against all the tasks they completed up to the point of removal, so its always clear who did what and when.

What do the different permission levels mean?

There are 5 different permission levels available in DenGro which grant access to different areas of DenGro depending on each user’s requirements. You can select each relevant role when adding a new user. You can also choose to update an existing user’s role at any time, from the Practice Users page.

a. Manager – Manage all account data and perform any action including user management. This user will have access to all contacts’ data in the account.

b. User – Manage account contacts (leads, referrals, enquiries) and dashboard tasks. This user will have access to all contacts’ data in the account.

c. Analyst – Manage account reports, manipulate data within reports.

d. Integrator – Manage account integrations.

e. Practitioner – This user is a practitioner and will be able to receive appointments.

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