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How Do I Use DenGro’s Email editor
Michael Doe avatar
Written by Michael Doe
Updated over a week ago

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How do I access the email editor?

Firstly, you’ll need to make sure that your account licence is registered on the Pro Payment Plan and that you have Editor permissions on the account. If you’re not sure, contact your account subscriber or

From there, go to Practice Settings (the cog symbol at the top right of the Today page) and select Practice Messages.

Here, you’ll see a list of all the messaging sequences sent by DenGro, both the Default and the Custom sequences.

To create a new Custom sequence, click on the Create A New Message Sequence button at the top of the page and follow the prompts to select an existing template to copy and then name your sequence.

To edit an existing Custom sequence, click to View the sequence.
Once on the Sequence Details page, you’ll see all of the messages available to send at each status point in the lead conversion journey, along with the list of treatments that are associated with the sequence. To launch the email editor, click on the 3 horizontal dots to the right of the email you want to edit and select Edit.

Editing automated emails DenGro

What can I do in the editor?

When you click to Edit an email, you’ll be taken through to the DenGro email editor which will enable you to make a number of changes to the email – such as changing images, the copy/text, and the information displayed in the footer. You can also move around the different blocks and design elements of the email to match your requirements.

To edit the different blocks and elements of the email, click on the relevant section of the template and then use the Edit Panel on the right to change the different aspects of that block.

What are the different elements in the template that I can edit?


Blocks refer to the different sections of the email which can be added, moved, copied, saved, and removed depending on the design of your email.

For example, in the default email templates that DenGro provides, the headline of the email is held in its own row, which means it can then be moved around separately to the header image row or the body text row.


Each row can also have columns, which refer to the way content within each row is organised.

For example, you may want to have 3 images, within the same row, but lined up next to each other. To achieve this design, you’ll need to create a block with 3 columns. In each column, you would then add an image as the content.


Body refers to what sits inside the row and/or column – the image, the text, the button etc. All of which can be removed, copied or added to.

For example, in the default DenGro templates, the opening hours, address, and social media links that appear in the bottom row of the emails would be the body.

Merge Tags

Merge tags sound complicated, but are easy to use and provide greater flexibility and personalisation to the emails and SMS that you send to leads. Merge tags allow you to automatically pull in a specific detail – such as the first name of the lead – to the message, so as to personalise it to each individual that you may send it to.

For example, in the default email templates from DenGro, merge tags allow us to display the lead’s first name in the message and pull in the name of the treatment each lead is interested in, so it’s more specific to their enquiry.

Using merge tags gives you more flexibility to create fewer journeys for every treatment. Instead, you could create more generic content with merge tags that personalise it. For example, you could create a journey discussing the benefits of ‘improving your smile’ and use the Treatment merge tag to reference how ‘composite bonding’ or ‘gum contouring’ can ‘improve your smile’.

Using tags in email editor DenGro


All email editors will reference the ability to apply ‘padding’ to a row, column or content block. Padding is the amount of space between the top, bottom, and sides of a specific part of your email.

For example, in the default templates by DenGro, the logo at the top of the email is centralised – but it also has additional padding around the top and bottom of the image, to give more space between the logo and the header image.

Padding can be used to provide a better aesthetic to the email and improve the look of the message on mobile vs desktop.

Adding padding on the email editor in DenGro

How do I change the subject Line of the email?

On the left panel of the Email Editor, you can set the Subject Line for the email, using the predefined Merge Tags to personalise it.

Merge tags allow you to pull in different data about the lead or the practice – for example, if you use the First Name merge tag in the Subject Line, that means DenGro will pull in the first name of the lead that the email is being sent to.

Edit the content in email editor in DenGro

How do I add a button?

Adding a button to your emails can promote a specific call to action and encourage a lead to follow through on their enquiry or next step in their journey.

A button is considered a piece of Content that can be added to a row or column using DenGro’s email editor. Click on the row or column and select ‘Button’ as the content that you want to drop into that section.

You can then choose to edit the colour and copy of the button, along with size and padding, as well as add a link to the button that will take leads to a designated web page to complete the required action.

Quick button for email editor in DenGro

I’ve got some images of the team that I’d like to use in the emails, how do I upload them?

Great, you can upload your own images to the account and display them in the emails you send to leads. Select the relevant email and choose to launch the email editor.

Next, click on the hero image in the email to bring up the edit panel on the right, and click on the button to Upload Image.

You’ll then be able to select an image from your personal folders to upload.

Help, my image isn’t the right size!

Don’t panic – you can edit the image from within the email builder!

Simply click on the Apply Effects & More button in the edit panel, when the image is selected.

I don’t have any of my own images, but want to freshen up the images in the emails DenGro sends – what are my options?

No problem! The DenGro email editor has a library of stock images that you can search and use in your messages.

All images in the library have open copyright on their usage. You can search by keyword from within the email editor to find a relevant image and then select it for use.

To view the image library, return the edit panel to its main menu, by clicking on the x at the top right. Then, click on Images.

Should I add a link to the hero image and logo image?

You can make any image in an email clickable by adding a relevant website address to it.

Then, if the lead clicks on or taps the image/logo, a new web browser will open, taking them to a specific page on the practice website or elsewhere. This can be great for ensuring that no matter what the lead clicks on, they end up on a site/page that’s branded to your practice.

To add the link, click on the image to open the edit panel to the right. Under the section titled ACTION, paste in the relevant URL.

I don’t have a TikTok account, how do I remove it from the Social list?

The Social shortcut available on the main menu of the email edit panel can display all available social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, and WhatsApp. The icons displayed in the emails will link out to the relevant page on that platform based on how the information you’ve entered into your Practice Details page.

If you haven’t entered a URL link for one of the platforms – eg.TikTok – on your Practice Details page, then the icon will not be displayed in the automated emails.

Can I preview my email draft – or send a test?

Yes. When you’re ready, you can choose to send a test of your customised email to yourself – simply click the SEND TEST button at the top of the email editor.

Please note, you can only send a test to yourself with the email address that you’re registered as a user on the account with.

You can also preview a copy of your customised email by clicking on the VIEW button at the top of the email editor.

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