If you are unable to get hold of a lead after several attempts or a lead no longer is interested in treatment you can mark it as ‘inactive’.
This should be the preferred route instead of deleting a lead as making a lead inactive still allow you to search for them in the app and reactivate them if they change their mind in future or get in touch about another treatment.
To make a lead inactive select the lead task you wish to mark as inactive and press the 'Not Proceeding' button
DenGro will ask you to confirm from a dropdown the reason they are not proceeding.
Choose the most relevant option. If you want to stop contacting the lead as you have not heard back from them after multiple attempts then select 'Unable to contact' to reflect that you have not spoken to them.
Choose from the dropdown on how you tried to contact the lead and it might be useful to add a quick note about why this lead is no longer interested in case the lead becomes active again later on.
Select ‘done’ and this lead is now inactive. It is important to note that inactive leads can still be found using the search bar and on the Leads page via the 'Inactive filter'